Organizing model according to Decree of Law 231/01

CHEMI has adopted a model of organization and control complying with the prescriptions of the Decree of Law no. 231 of June 8, 2001, which has introduced into the Italian legislation the administrative responsibility of the companies for some specific types of criminal offences, when they were committed in the interest of the company itself.

To be adequate to such regulation, it is necessary that the companies adopt and establish:

  • A Model of organization and Control (Model)
  • A Code of Ethics
  • A Body of Vigilance

The Chemi Board of Directors approved on 28 June 2012 the Model of Organization of Management and Control complying with the Italian Decree of Law no. 231 and the Code of Ethics.

Any reports or requests for further information could be sent to the suitable e-mail address:

Model of organization of Chemi

Examination of offences

Code of Ethics

Whistleblowing Procedure

Whistleblowing channel


The Pharmacovigilance system collects and studies adverse events (=noxious) which may be associated to a drug treatment, in order to

  • assess their incidence
  • identify the cause-effect relationship with the use of the drug
  • identify any possible risk factors for the occurrence of such adverse events
  • identify possible means for the prevention of such adverse events

To report an adverse drug reaction and to request medical and scientific information or information on the use of our drugs, you can fill the FORM or call +39 (0)2 64431.